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Hedgehog Open Network Fabric leverages the Kubernetes API to manage its resources. All user-facing APIs are exposed as Kubernetes Custom Resources Definitions (CRDs), allowing users to manage Fabric resources using standard Kubernetes tools.

To make network switches Kubernetes-aware, the Fabric employs an Agent running on each switch. This agent acts as an interface between the Kubernetes control plane and the switch internal network configuration mechanisms. It continuously syncs desired state from Kubernetes via the Fabric Controller and applies configurations using gNMI (gRPC Network Management Interface).


Hedgehog Fabric consists of several key components, distributed between the Control Node and the Network devices. The following diagram breaks down the components of a Collapsed Core. Hedgehog components have been highlighted in brown color:

graph TD;
  %% Control Plane
  subgraph Control Node ["Control Node"]
    K[Fabric CLI - kubectl plugin]:::ourComponent
    A[Fabric Controller]:::ourComponent
    P[Fabric Proxy]:::ourComponent

  K -->|Interacts via K8s API| A
  L[Fabricator]:::ourComponent -->|Installs & Configures| A
  A -->|Kubernetes API| B1
  B1 -->|Syncs State| A;
  A -->|Kubernetes API| B2
  B2 -->|Syncs State| A;

  %% Collapsed Core - Two Switches
  subgraph SONiC Leaf 2
    B1[Fabric Agent]:::ourComponent -->|Scraped by| C1[Alloy]:::thirdParty
    C1 -->|Pushes Logs/Metrics| P
    E1[Config DB]:::thirdParty

  subgraph SONiC Leaf 1
    B2[Fabric Agent]:::ourComponent -->|Scraped by| C2[Alloy]:::thirdParty
    C2 -->|Pushes Logs/Metrics| P
    E2[Config DB]:::thirdParty

  %% Switch Configuration Flow
  B1 -->|Applies Config| D1
  B2 -->|Applies Config| D2
  D1 -->|Writes/Reads| E1
  D2 -->|Writes/Reads| E2
  E1 -->|Controls| I1
  E2 -->|Controls| I2

  %% Logs and Metrics Flow
  P -->|Forwards Logs/Metrics| M

  %% Style definitions for dark mode
  classDef ourComponent fill:#A67C52,stroke:#805D3B,stroke-width:2px,color:#ffffff;
  classDef thirdParty fill:#888888,stroke:#666666,stroke-width:1px,color:#000000;

  %% Add a vertical legend
  subgraph Legend ["Legend"]
    direction RL

The key components essential for understanding the Fabric architecture are:

Control Node Components

  • Fabric Controller: The central control plane component that manages Fabric resources and configurations.
  • Fabric CLI (kubectl plugin): A kubectl plugin that provides an easy way to manage Fabric resources.
  • Fabric Proxy: A pod responsible for collecting logs and metrics from switches (via Alloy) and forwarding them to an external system.
  • Fabricator: A tool for installing and configuring Fabric, including virtual lab environments.

SONiC Switch Components

  • Fabric Agent: Runs on each switch and applies configurations received from the control plane.
  • Alloy: Collects logs and telemetry data from the switch.
  • gNMI Interface: The main configuration API used by the Fabric Agent to interact with the switch.
  • Config DB: The central database in SONiC responsible for maintaining switch configuration.
  • ASIC: The hardware component handling packet forwarding.

The SONiC architecture presented here is a high-level abstraction, for simplicity.

Architecture Flow

1. Fabric Installation & Configuration

  • The Fabricator tool installs and configures Hedgehog Fabric.
  • It provisions Flatcar Linux for Control Nodes and automatically installs K3s (lightweight Kubernetes).
  • All components, including their dependencies, are deployed within Kubernetes.

2. Fabric API & Resource Management

  • Hedgehog represents all infrastructure elements as Fabric resources using Kubernetes CRDs.
  • These CRDs define switches, servers, control nodes, external systems, and their interconnections.
  • The Fabric Controller watches these CRDs and manages configurations accordingly.

3. Switch Configuration & Management

  • The Fabric Controller communicates with the Fabric Agent on each switch via the Kubernetes API.
  • The Fabric Agent applies configurations using the gNMI interface, updating the Config DB.
  • The Config DB ensures that all settings are applied to the ASIC for packet forwarding.

4. Telemetry & Monitoring

  • The Alloy agent on the switch collects logs and metrics.
  • Logs and metrics are sent to the Fabric Proxy running in Kubernetes.
  • The Fabric Proxy forwards this data to LGTM, an external logging and monitoring system.